Feast Zine
A creative mind is a perpetual feast.
Open call:
Bring something to the table!
We’re back, and once again looking for submissions of art, writing, poetry, recipes (and anything else you’d like us to try) for our second issue of Feast.

To those with an arty appetite, we’re inviting you to a feast. Leave your troubles at the door and the cooking to us. Let's savour a selection of complex, fresh, and warming work. You might even try something new.

Our second edition is called Chimera. Hybrids, monsters, mash-ups. Something imagined and just out of reach, or a dream come true. Without them, nothing to haunt us. Without them, there's nothing.

Submissions close September 30th 2024.

Issue 1 is available here!

Khalil Gibran once wrote that "all our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind". And oh, what crumbs they are! It's been remarkable to see the quality and creativity of your submissions.

This beautiful issue features nearly 60 pages of art, recipes, poetry, photography and more.

Copies are available via this link here at a pay-as-you-feel price. Please consider supporting us by purchasing one.

Happy Feasting!

What are we looking for?
  • Writing: We are open to all genres and forms of creative writing, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid works. Longer form work of up to 2,000 words. We’re also seeking Flash fiction (up to 1,000 words).
  • Visual art: We are looking for individual pieces as well as bodies of work, photo essays, and comics.
  • Recipes: Send us your favourite recipes! We will publish one seasonal (spring) recipe per issue. We’re looking for original, affordable, delicious and exciting grub!
  • Feel free to send in any other work you think would fit the feast!
Submission Guidelines
  • You may submit up to five poems, pieces of prose, or visual artworks.
  • Repeat and simultaneous submissions are welcome.
  • Submissions which have been previously published are also welcome.
  • All submissions must be your own – we will not publish AI-generated writing.
  • Please include a brief bio (<50 words) with your submission.
  • We are not yet offering payment for our contributors.
  • Any submissions not accepted may be held in our talent pool for future issues. This would be published with your consent.
  • Deadline: Submissions are open until the 30th of September, 2024.
  • To Submit: Please send your submissions to submissions.feast@gmail.com
About us
  • Daniel Ginsburg

    Daniel is an Oxford-based photographer and ex-bookseller with a passion for pottery, SF books, folklore, Below Deck, and a love-hate relationship with writing.

    His favourite meal to eat is pizza siciliana (the one with anchovies).

    His favourite meal to cook is butternut squash and sage risotto, with plenty of white wine.

  • Genevieve Tomes

    Genevieve is an Bath-based corporate cog who enjoys a cheeky splash of poetry, cooking, music, Below Deck, and frolicking.

    Her callings in life are beancurd snacks and crisps (but she's on her second crisp ban of the year).

    She loves to cook South Indian cuisine - at the moment she's on an idli chutney drive.

  • Rocket

    Rocket provides moral support, regular walks and ambient (piercing) background noise to the team here at Feast.

    His favourite meal is tinned tuna served on a bed of dry doggy kibble, served in his labyrinthine bowl so he doesn't choke himself.

    Sometimes he likes to treat himself to a little lick of cat faeces, as a treat.

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